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What is Tarot?

The simplest definition is that Tarot is a six hundred year old form of divination, or a way of finding knowledge from sources not readily available to the five physical senses.  Some Tarot readers say this knowledge comes from their spirit guides, angels, or God.  I prefer the word intuition, and the only entity I call upon for guidance is my higher Self.  There is no magick in the cards, they are not evil or Satanic, and reading them is more of an art than science.  Like any art, it is subject to interpretation by both the reader and the querent. 

What should I expect in a reading?

I work best when the person I'm reading for asks a question.  General readings provide general information.  If you have a conern or questions about a particular area of your life, specific questions will provide much more insight and a far better reading.  

How long will it take to receive a reply?


Most readings are completed and sent to you via email within three business days. We will discuss this when you contact me.  General questions (not readings) are usually answered within 24 hours.

Can I refer my friends to this page?


Absolutely!  Be sure they tell me who sent them because with five paid referrals, you get a 50% discount on your next reading! You can also follow or share my Facebook page.

How do I pay for a reading?

After discussing your needs, I will send an invoice through PayPal.  You can pay securely with your PayPal account or with a credit card.  

Which decks and spreads do you use? 


I have several decks and will choose the one that feels most appropriate for your reading.  My "everyday" deck is Gilded Tarot.  A custom spread is created for most readings.

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